Remote work what it is and why is convinient?

It is a way of working where the traditional office is no longer indispensable. The concept of “going to work” is somewhat obsolete, all tasks can be carried out from a computer, wherever the person who has to do it is. Anyone can work from anywhere, create reports, generate content, have meetings, develop new ideas, etc.

Thanks to the digital revolution the physical presence of work teams in most industries is no longer necessary, which brought this new modality, where having to travel or commute to get to work is just an option, since you can do all your work from the comfort of your home or wherever you have your computer.

Remote work: Pros & Cons

Productivity Improvement

Contrary to common opinion, studies show remote workers are more productive than workers who operate from a physical building. Remote workers dedicate more time to work tasks than more traditional employed counterparts.

The flexibility felt by remote workers installs a sense of freedom, which is the key to improved productivity. Modern employee flexibility allows user scheduling, meaning higher priority items are more likely to be accomplished. This is ultimately to the company’s advantage.

Flexibility combined with avoidance of workplace distractions aid higher efficiency levels.

Access to Candidates

Remote work dismantles barriers of geographic locations, therefore, talent pools become larger and prospects become more robust. Recruiting can simply be based on skills and talent rather than place of residence.

Employee Satisfaction Increased

Studies have revealed that remote workers report less stress than more traditional work environments. Flexibility allows employees to maintain personal relationships, complete personal daily tasks, pursue hobbies, and maintain health.

Financial benefits

Remote work allows the workforce to reduce minor expenses such as:

Parking fees
Business attire
Car maintenance

The company financially benefits as well. Eliminating office space costs allows more efficient allocation of assets that benefit consumers and customers.

Remote work for the IT Industry

Here we have top jobs in the IT industry:


Programmers capable of tackling web design and development projects. They can support the adaptation of different information technologies to the needs of the company, but they are also specialists in solving problems or situations of various kinds, acting in a committed manner with the group and its environment.

Software Developer

It is clear that effective app development is done by all team members within the organisation, but a Software Developer holds more responsibility on their radar than just writing code. Is responsible for monitoring his or her own progress, is responsible for achieving the team’s proposed objectives, reports problems encountered, implements the architect’s ideas and, as such, may have to discuss viable pros and cons with the architectural team.

DevOps Engineer

While DevOps engineers rarely code from scratch, they must understand the basics of software development languages and be familiar with the tools used to create new code or update existing code.

DevOps enables agile development teams to implement continuous integration and continuous delivery. This helps them get products to market faster.

UX Designer

The market offers more and more product and service options, which is why the usability expert is key to connecting the user with a product and achieving satisfaction, both with the product or service purchased and with the purchasing experience. For this reason, in recent years, the UX expert has become one of the most sought-after positions in the IT market.

Information Security Specialist

Data, information, systems, network, cloud and data security professionals are in demand as companies increasingly rely on data for day-to-day business operations. These IT professionals ensure that enterprise IT initiatives remain safe from potential threats inside and outside the organisation. They are also tasked with keeping abreast of industry compliance regulations and future security trends, and ensuring that the company’s hardware, software and networks remain secure.

To conclude…

Remote working is here to stay, creating thousands of opportunities and making it easier to carry out ideas and projects that seemed complicated before. It is also bringing a new way of thinking about organisations and turning concepts such as “office” and “meeting room” upside down.

For us this way of working means that we can do what we do and achieve our goals in such an agile way.

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